
Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Deserialize XML file to an Domain object

Some time ago, I read this article on how to deserialize XML files into objects and I thought, let's give this a try. Let's try a simple domain class Person which has a couple of properties like FirstName, LastName and an Address List for which I created another domain class.

I started with the XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Persons xmlns="http://personreader" DefaultProfile="XmlToObjectDeserialization">
<PersonInfo AssemblyFile="Domain.dll" >
<StreetName>Hit the road street</StreetName>
<Location>New York</Location>
<StreetName>Secondary Address Street</StreetName>

The next thing to do, is create the domain classes. These classes have to reflect the XML file's properties. We start with the Person class:

namespace Domain
public class Persons
// Return array of PersonInfo objects
public PersonInfo[] PersonInfos;

Notice the Namespace property in the attribute. It has to be the same as the xmlns attribute in the XML file. We define a Person class with a list of PersonInfo objects. This PersonInfo class looks like this:

namespace Domain
public class PersonInfo
// Match properties of XML file
public string AssemblyFile;

public string FirstName;

public string LastName;

public Address[] Address;

The AssemblyFile string is marked as an XmlAttribute. All the others are XmlElements which corresponds with the XML file.

Finally, the Address class:

namespace Domain
public class Address
public string StreetName;

public string HouseNumber;

public string PostalCode;

public string Location;
Clearly no rocket science here.

The only thing that has to be done is the deserialization of course. It works like this:

private static void DeserializeXml()
using (TextReader tr =
XmlSerializer serializer
new XmlSerializer(typeof(Persons));

Persons persons

Not that difficult. We open our file and put the content into a stream. Then we create a XmlSerializer and let it know that we want to deserialize to the Persons domain class.

Finally deserialize the stream and we're done.

Greetz,                                                                              G